It’s just a coincidence that I am writing this on my laptop, listening to my mp3’s in a corner of my room… Is this the good side of technology? The start of something creative? The start of a project that looks into the effects of technology on social interaction? Where it will bring people? What will we see as a result of this technological drive in the future? What are the ideals of the drivers behind innovation and technological development? Is it purely financial or are the social ramifications the main consideration?
Lots of questions… the purpose of this project is to investigate these questions and attempt to portray the results through the medium of photography, both reflecting our perspectives and the perspectives of those that we encounter during this investigation/adventure.
Everywhere we go today, every step we take is driven by technology. The clothes we wear, the transport we take, the buildings we live in; all developments in these fields are driven by technology, all in the effort to increase our comfort and living standards. The considerable increase in the standard of living in Ireland has saw the focus change from creating security through the basic means of food, a roof to sleep under and family and now has taken a further step in the hierarchy of needs depicted by Maslow. The financial windfall of our generation has developed a status built culture where technological gadgets have become the goal of achieving as certain status level. Examples are all around us and at every stage of life. The 14 year old wanting a playstation, the 18 year old must having an ipod, everybody having the best phone. All considered essential in the day-to-day life of a young adult.
This is where we are…. This is what we are doing… this is who we are going to become… At what sacrifice?
Over the next few weeks we will investigate the social ramifications of the technological boom, focusing at these comfort gadgets and the effect they are having on our present youthful generation.
We encourage everybody to join into the debate and drive this project to create the awareness it deserves…
Bring back conversation; bring back the word, the smile and the touch…
Lauren Hennessy and Keith Magee
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