Wednesday, February 14, 2007



Anonymous said...

I've been checking into this one now and again, but no more pics! Guess I better comment to light fire under your collective asses, as the premise you outlined is very interesting. The photo of the guy and girl listening to the I-Pod at the table is very striking, not least because of the colours, but because I saw two friends of mine doing this in Mssrs Maguires a couple of weeks back. They were looking for karaoke ideas mind you, but it did remind me of this photo.

colourblindelephant said...

Hi Tee and others,

Agreed it has been a while since we posted anything but i assure you that there will be some new photos soon. The research and our interest in this project has only grown since we started this. Often it takes time to get immersed in the subject before you understand it thoroughly!

thank you for your comment and hopefully we can create more images that cause the same effect and make all who see them think a bit!
